Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MenzShed 16 March

Fellow Sheddies -

A reminder that the Shed is open tomorrow and Thursday.

"Grumpy Old Men" meet Wed. from 1:00 till 3:00 ish.
Conversation, Coffee, Conviviality, and Crunchy Bickies,
precede more serious talk about issues and ideas.
Come and expand your mind, or at least what is left
of your mind.

Thursday, we hope to start on a special project of painting
little chairs for an early childhood center, and painting the
apartment upstairs, so that we might find a tenant and help
to reduce our out of pocket rent.

So, come one, come all, and meet some new members
who signed on last week.

Also, someone wants to make a movie about the "Shed",
so this needs some conversation as well.